MOSAIC enhances the provision of holistic protection services for persons with alternative SOGI (Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity) primarily within Beirut, Mount Lebanon and Bekaa areas, which are known as the service hub for LGBTIQ individuals. In addition to direct service provision, MOSAIC also aims to reduce social stigma and discrimination against LGBTIQ host and refugee communities by sensitizing sectoral actor and the general population on SOGI issues, through capacity building activities and the production and contextualized Information, Educational and Communication (IEC) materials. Lastly, MOSAIC also envisions the development a national portal that complies information of human rights violations especially against LGBTIQ individuals.
Even though LGBTIQ issues are not considered a priority issue on the political and social change agendas at the national level; however, efforts to combat these forms of violations are vital. Given that LGBTIQ individuals are being harmed merely due to their non-confirming gender identities, gender roles and social expectations; this social issue becomes at the heart of efforts to eliminate gender discrimination and gender-based violence (GBV). The contribution to bettering the protection of individuals with alternative sexualities is a step forward for Lebanon to achieving gender equality, equity and justice.
IWD (International Women’s Day) March, Beirut 2019
Local Monitoring Detecting & reporting Human Right Violations
Locally, 20 focal points from 6 governorates in Lebanon were trained to detect, monitor, and report human rights violations in addition to SOGI training. 10 individuals were selected to continue the extensive training to detect and report back to Mosaic any human rights violations within our target areas.
Regionally, MOSAIC is implementing a regional referral system with underground and Registered NGOs to refer human rights violation cases across countries in order to ensure networking and wellbeing of all human right defenders, activists and LGBTIQ members in the MENA region.
Launching Regional report, October 2018